It's been a good week.
It started off great: Greg Jao spoke at our church on Sunday, and it was such an uplifting, encouraging, light-the-fire-in-your-soul message:
- We can usher in the Kingdom of God even in little ways: whenever we point to God, or reflect a world in which He is known, felt, or obeyed, we are turning back the corner to reveal the Kingdom of God and reclaiming it for this world, "inch by square inch." What an encouragement: that even our tiniest acts of obedience bring glory to God.
- Greg has two little kids, and they're apparently at the age when they love to help him out in the kitchen. Of course, their little hands make cooking far messier and far less efficient than it otherwise would be--but Greg lets them help him, and he delights in them, simply for their company. Greg surmises that that's a glimpse of how God is with us when it comes to His work here on Earth. Can He do it all Himself? Of course He can. So why does He let/invite us to do the work with Him? Because He delights in us--and He wants to give us the privilege of being part of His work. Yes, it's messier and slower when we do it, but He takes joy in our partnership with Him. Amazing thought.
And then, I traveled back to Boston to speak at the law school. I guess that's what happens when you're a few years out of school? You actually start going back to speak? (Whaaa?) It was a real privilege, and super-fun to revisit the old haunts. I'd never stayed in the Charles Hotel before (but did many, many interviews there!), so I was extra-delighted for the opportunity to stay there--and Mr. Squire came along, which made everything many times more fun. (For starters, we were very entertained by how large the bed huge compared to our full-size bed!) We had breakfast at IHOP with Riley (one of our groomsmen), and then I wandered back to the law school and Harvard Square to check out what was the same and different. Picked up two "A litigator" alligator shirts from the COOP (one for me, and one for my bestie at the firm -- and does anyone else think it's hilarious that I want to get an alligator shirt that just says "alligator" for Mr. Squire? I think this is ridiculously funny), oohed and aahed at the gorgeous new Wasserstein Hall, visited Professor Stuntz's portrait and remembered him, met up with a 1L whom I had sort of mentored before she started school, spoke on the panel, hit up Felipe's, met up with an HLS '06-er who was in the fellowship with me, then took the train home. Great trip. Nice way to break up the week.
And then back to work... and work is getting very busy. But it's still manageable, and I'm still enjoying myself, even though the hours are actually quite long now. I am so so so so thankful for this. I'm sure it will get harder. But I am extremely thankful that my first three weeks on this speedy bankruptcy case (on top of 3 other active matters, two of which are in discovery) have been so doable. I know that is an answer to prayer, and I delight in the thought that God has sheltered me so fully in response to my prayers. I revel in His attention, and warm the face of my heart against the light of His love. Thanks be to God for being my help and my joy.
And tomorrow is Friday. All's well.