Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Learning to Walk Humbly - 9 and 10

  • Quiet, productive day at work.  Got lots of random things done, that always need to be done, but somehow never get done.
  • Time with my girl in the morning (a little) and at night (more).  I came home when the sun was still shining high, so we took a nice, long, HOT walk by the river with Daddy.  She napped for part of it, and we carried her the rest of the way.  I love having her nestled in my arms!
  • Watermelon. Mr. Squire bought a reeeeally good one.  It was so good that when his mom tasted it, she said, "Now I understand why Emdash loves it so much!"  :)
  • Thankful for Mr. Squire.  Always thankful for him and his gentle, generous, thoughtful heart.  And how good he is with our little Junior.
  • A new niece was born into our family! Rejoicing!

  • Another quiet day at work (until 6pm when I came home, whereupon I clocked 3 hours--so far--while Junior looked at me and I apologized over and over, both internally and verbally).  Another reminder of why I need to leave.
  • Lunch with my brother Kenny, who went to law school, but doesn't practice law.  Always an encouragement, and I admire the way his wife parents their two girls.
  • Met up with my cousin SK, whom I hadn't seen in eight months.  (Eight months!) Didn't seem like that long, and we just picked up right where we left off. He is that kind of friend. I'm thankful for that kind of friend.
  • My girl wouldn't nap! Came home and witnessed Mr. Squire try and try and try and try to put her down for a nap.  But she just wouldn't.  She's so cute, even when she doesn't nap.  And I sure appreciate Daddy's patient efforts to get her to nap.  I have such a wonderful family.  Just being around them is a blessing.
  • Today is Mr. Squire's brother's birthday. I'm very fond of him, and thankful for our good relationship.  :)  I had Junior send him a funny email (excerpt: "I'm 7 months old. How old are you?  Like...307 months or something?").  He ate it up.  :)

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