Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tender Mercies

These past few days, and particularly yesterday, I experienced a shower of tender mercies from God.  

...news from Korea that now-three-year-old Lizzy will undergo her final surgery before declaring freedom from cancer.  Just 18 months ago, we friends and family around the world began frantically praying and fasting for the little girl with an inoperable brain tumor and for her parents, who had begun saying their goodbyes to their daughter upon advice from the doctors.  She had two months to live then.  She is living now, following a miraculous and medically inexplicable disappearance of her tumor.  What rejoicing!

...a completely random email from a woman in Texas with whom I connected in January upon the advice of one of our church elders.  She is a lawyer at a large-ish firm down there, and a sister in Christ.  We connected in January, then lost track of each other.  Yesterday, she emailed to say that I had been on her heart for some reason, and would I like to talk?  Would I ever!  As I read her email, I was overcome by emotion:  God is paying attention to me.  Like, for real paying attention to me.  And even calling parts of His body down in Texas to come attend to my bruised spirit.  Really, Lord??

...words of encouragement from a dear sister in an email, pointing out the ways in which she sees God working through me in other people's lives, regardless of what work I'm doing during the day.  These reinforce other words of encouragement I received from other sisters in previous days.  I think God is trying to tell me something.  It's still unsatisfactory to my ears, but I am getting the message that I am not completely disappointing Him, and that is a comfort.

...a special card from my brother, who is so faithful in writing to me.  Usually he sends me the same Christmas card over and over and over (it's a family joke), but he actually bought a different card for me this time--one with specific words of encouragement. And he filled the card with his hurried scrawl of unhurried thoughts and words and prayers.  I am so thankful for my big brother.  

...letters from the college student we sponsor in Brazil. I hadn't gotten around to reading the two that came in last week, but sat down to read them last night.  She is a freshman in college and growing, growing, growing like a weed in her spiritual and academic walk.  What a privilege to be able to support her financially through college and to exchange letters of encouragement. She asked me in her most recent letter, "What are some of the challenges you face in walking with God?"  To have this type of conversation with a college student is an absolute joy.

...beautiful weather and time to take an evening walk with Mr. Squire to get grapes from the local fruit and veggie store.  It's the simple things.  A peaceful, harmonious, joyful marriage is the crowning blessing of my day-to-day life.

...opportunities to hang out with two of our paralegals on the train ride home.  I had intended to catch up on work on the way home, but God filled the time with people interaction instead.  These kids are preparing for their LSATs and law school and were hungry for advice and encouragement. I've walked that road before and I know it well.  Sure, I missed out on billing .3 hours of time on the train, but... God gave me the opportunity to love well the people that He's given me for now.

This is many mercies for one day.  I hear You, Lord.  I see that You are watching.  I feel that You care.  I sense that You are concerned for me.  I thank You for Your attention, and pray that I would trust more and more in Your love and plan.  

If not now, then later.  If not our way, then a better way. - Dr. Timothy Keller

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