Saturday, January 18, 2014

Drawing from the Well

In reference to my prior post, in which I mentioned a big hike ahead, I engaged a set of my local sisters here to pray for and with me over the next year.  I liken the enlistment of their prayers to drawing from a well in preparation for the Big Hike:  no one takes a hike without packing the number-one necessity--water.  In this case, my water is God's help.  I can't do without it.  If I try, I will fail miserably.  

Below are my prayer requests:

1. That God would grant me emotional and mental health -- knowing what I can control, and doing those things well, and giving up the rest.

2. That God would put an end to the dreams about work, and give me real rest every night.  That God would grant me physical protection; when I get super-stressed at work, I can't sleep, I can't eat, and I start to develop a variety of ailments.

3.  Most of all, that God would grant me spiritual health:  that throughout every moment of every day that I'm working on this matter, I would remember who my God is.  My God is not my partner.  My God is not success or perceived success on this case.  My God is not my job, or employment, or whatever success on this case may lead to.  My God is Jesus -- and I'd like this to be reflected in the excellence of my work, and also my mental perspective that this isn't the end-all, be-all of my life.

4.  That God would grant me mercy in terms of time and balancing my other cases.  That is often one of the greatest sources of stress.  

5.  That God would give Mr. Squire wisdom to know how to help me through this.  He is an amazing husband and so teachable.  I pray that God would help him know how to support me, and help me not to allow stress to make me unappreciative, overly demanding, overemotional, etc.

It's only been a week since I issued these requests, and it's early yet in the case, but some key events happened this week--and I did feel the favor and protection and peace of God.  I even felt His joy in my work, and that was tremendous.  

I also felt the comfort of knowing that others were praying for me--and that was a little jarring, but in a good way.  In recent years, I have learned that prayer is one of my spiritual gifts, as is mercy.  Typically, I take a lot of joy in listening to other people's problems and burdens, and praying faithfully for God to address them.  But I don't really ask for prayer all that often, so usually I am the one praying--not the one being prayed for.  

I am trying to change that imbalance, because just like everyone else, I need prayer!  I need other people to pray for me.  I like to be the giver and not the taker, but I'm realizing that there is a spiritual dimension and benefit to being the "taker" of prayer, too.  As the giver of prayer, I experience joy simply in the act of praying for others, and even greater joy when I see God answer the prayers in whatever way He sees fit.  I rejoice because I can see God conferring love on others.  I am learning that as the receiver of prayer, there's a different type of joy and a deep sense of comfort, because I sense God conferring love on me.  This week especially, I felt it.  And I am grateful. 

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