Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Returning to Work

Dear Junior,

We survived my first day back at work!  Everyone was very kind and welcoming and eager to admire pictures of you.  And although I kept texting Daddy every hour to ask,"How is Bathands?" you were just fine. Still stubborn with the bottle, but otherwise okay. 

And then at 5pm, you finally decided to drink some milk from the bottle! You took 4 ozs altogether, and Daddy and Mommy sighed a very big collective sigh of relief. You still nursed like crazy when Mommy got home, but at least we know you have a limit. 

They are easing me in at work, but things won't always be so easy. And in the good times and bad, moving forward in motherhood and professionally, I want us to remember the following:

To make all decisions in fear of God and not man. 

To remember God called me to be a lawyer here and now.  And at the same time to be Daddy's wifey and Bathands' Mommy.  And God will work out to completion all that he has started. Where He calls, He will provide. 

Love to Bathands,

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