Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thankful for Mommy

This evening, as I was walking home from the train, I got caught in a terrible downpour of rain (it could have been worse, but I was pretty darn soaked by the time I got home, much to the semi-amusement of my neighbors...I think Ghizlan just missed me, but Salah watched me on the home stretch from under his awning and grinned), and all the while, I was semi-whining, semi-wailig to my parents on the phone.  Poor parents. 

Mr. Squire greeted me at the door, in my drippy and frazzled state.  He had called--a few minutes too late--to offer to walk me from the subway with an umbrella.  Oops.

Anyway, he tried to appease me by holding out a USPS package and saying, "I got something for you!"  but I knew better... that was a package from my mom!

And inside, I found:
-one package of dry mix for Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits, which she has tested and liked
-one package of dried persimmon slices
-one big bag of El Milagro tortilla chips -- our favorites.  Seriously, though...she SHIPPED a bag of tortilla chips to us!
-best of all, a "Thinking of you and praying too" card, bearing three Bible verses (Isaiah 29:16, Psalm 34:4, Psalm 143:8), all written in her usual hand.  She had written the card when I was going through a particularly tough time at work, and she knew that "Mom's words are not as comforting, wise, [or] eloquent as God's at a time like this.... [but] Mommy, who walked close by you on your journey, is fully aware of how you feel now."  

And the thing of it is:  she does this ALL the time.  She sends us packages with all sorts of treats (one time it was different nougats from around the world, one time it was all sorts of dried fruits, sometimes it's my favorite candies and teas, other times it's pressed pennies that she has accumulated for me, and treats she wants me to try).  And she always sends cards bearing the words of God, and encouragement from the Greatest Source of Encouragement of all.  Mommy truly points me to God all the time, and I'm sure I won't appreciate her enough until she's gone.

But...let's try not to let that happen. I need to appreciate her fully now...and I do.  Thank You, Lord, for my mother.  And when I'm a mom, may I point my children to You just as Mommy does that for me.

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