Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Long Farewell: Double Hares

Last Sunday, my double cousin (also a Double Hare) and our other friend Double Hare (and his wife) all met up before church.  It's been the better part of a decade since we all spent a hot summer studying for the bar exam together.  I still remember: we would meet at class a few minutes before 9, sit through class, grab lunch and start studying in the library with all of our snacks laid out.

Double cousin inevitably would start napping.  Double Hare would study pretty diligently, but get distracted.  I spread out everything on the table and consumed too much space -- earning myself the title of Space Turtle.  And at 9 (or 10?) when the library closed, we moved to the cafeteria until we could study no more.  Then Double cousin walked me home as I tutored him on the bar exam topic of his choice.

And the next day we did it all over again.

Double Hare and I met during 1L year.  We lived in the same dorm and did a mediation program together.  We went to China together -- my first trip -- and it was transformative.  We are so different, but he has always made a point to understand me, and really "get" what I'm about.  I've done the same for him, and our friendship is deep and very real.  I am very thankful for him.

Double cousin and I met later in law school and essentially became friends when two of our closest friends started dating and suddenly some of our close pals didn't have time for us anymore.  :-p  We barely see each other anymore, but I do consider him family.  I can't explain it.  We are so, so different.  But he always has my back, and when I can get deep down far enough into the layers, I see who he really is -- and that alone has value. 

It's because of Double cousin, of course, that I met Mr. Squire. That's kind of important, too.

It's going to be so different without my double hares and their pen caps.  You guys are special friends.  Friends who are like family.

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