Sunday, August 18, 2013

Writer's Block

Mr. Squire are sitting here doing our reflections, which we haven't done together in a while.  I am experiencing major writer's block, so I asked Mr. Squire, "What should I reflect about? I can't think of anything."  And he replied, "You can reflect about how God plays jokes on you because He loves you--just like your husband!"


It is true that my husband plays jokes on me (all. the. time!) because he loves me. I'm not so sure that God plays jokes on me.  And if He did, maybe I wouldn't find them all that funny.  Anyway, in the meantime, here is a funny story about how Mr. Squire played a joke on me yesterday:

We were in Trader Joe's, waiting in the long line to pay for our groceries, which I was holding as Mr. Squire went to go check out avocados.  We were very far back in the line, so even though I didn't have any money on me, I wasn't worried.  And sure enough, he soon came back to join me in line when there were still maybe eight people in front of us.  As we advanced in the line, we soon passed the frozen food aisle, where I spotted some salmon patties.  Mr. Squire offered to check them out, and I watched him from the line as he examined the various packages in that aisle.  The line soon advanced, though, bringing me out of his line of sight.  Soon, there were only four people in front of me.  Mr. Squire still wasn't back, and I couldn't see him. I anxiously looked back toward the front of the frozen food aisle, wondering how I would get his attention.  I didn't have any money--and I didn't want to lose our spot in line!  I kept looking back, and kept not seeing him... finally, with three people in front of me, I softly called, "Mr. Squuiiiiire..."  I didn't want to be too loud or too obvious.  But there's no way he could hear me.  I tried again, "Mr. Squiiiiiiiire..."  No sign of Mr. Squire.  I kept looking back, kept wondering what I should do.  A couple minutes passed. And then, to my immediate left, I heard, "Hello!"  Mr. Squire was standing right next to me, looking quite relaxed and entertained.  "How long were you standing here?!" I exclaimed.  He laughed and responded, "Mr. Squiiiiiiire...."  He had heard me calling for him, and he had been standing beside me the entire time--watching me panic!

That's my honey.  So full of harmless mischief.  His sense of humor must be God-given, which perhaps means that maybe God does play jokes on us occasionally... but who really knows.

Anyway, the weekend was the first in six weeks that didn't involve work.  Hooray!  It was wonderful.  Friday evening was spent with a sister who is starting her law school career at Harvard this fall.  It was a joy to be able to meet with her and offer some encouragement and words of advice.  Saturday was spent helping another sister move, followed by baking key lime pie for our houseguest (a college friend of Mr. Squire's), watching an old episode of "Downton Abbey," and in general enjoying Mr. Squire's company.  This morning involved a nice walk along the river and Brooklyn Bridge Park, enjoying Mr. Squire's home-cooked lunch, followed by church and church dinner.  And now reflections.

I guess my overall reflection should be that God has been impressing certain concepts on my heart recently.  They have been brought to me by various people, songs, sermons, or just plain thoughts in my heart that probably are from the Holy Spirit.  They are:
  • Trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways, acknowledge God -- and then He will direct your path.
  • Be still and know that He is God.
  • Work joyfully as unto the Lord.
  • Ask Him if He approves of your next step.
  • Rejoice in all things and circumstances, and be thankful.
  • Love your neighbor.
That's today's uninspired rundown.  Hopefully will have more meaningful thoughts to share later...

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