Sunday, March 3, 2013

On Communion

Today Pastor said a little more than he usually does about Communion.  He explained how Catholics believe that the bread and wine used in Communion during mass actually are the embodiment of Christ.  How Lutherans believe that the crackers and juice transform into Christ somehow during Communion.  How Baptists believe that the elements of Communion are tokens of remembrance.  How for all of us, Communion is a time to actually meet Jesus.

I have to confess:  I don't get it.

I know that's not the "right" reaction, and it's a reaction that would probably surprise many of my closest friends.  But it's true -- I just don't really understand Communion.  The only thing I really "get" about Communion is that we do it out of obedience to Christ, who commanded us in His Word to "do this in remembrance of me."  And I understand that it's a time to remember Jesus's sacrifice on the cross and how He died even though He was perfect, so that every soul ever to be created could have a chance to be in relationship with His Father.  But beyond that?  I don't see how I'm "meeting Jesus" through this spiritual rite.

I wish I understood the significance.  Or perhaps a better way to put it is that I wish I felt the significance.  But I don't, at least not yet.  I do hope that through my life, God will see fit to find a way to teach me what Communion means to Him, and that I'd understand it better, so that it would be less of a follow-the-leader, do-as-you're-told sort of ritual, and more of a meaningful, spiritual experience - Communion in the truest sense of the word.

In the meantime, I find that I commune best with God when I'm out in nature, hearing birds call back and forth to one another in the trees (which I had the privilege of doing today here in our special, calm, and quiet part of the City).  Or when I see an act of selfless kindness that reflects Christ Himself.  Or when I'm alone and praying on a sunny morning, warm light warming my face.  Or when I'm with a friend (or Mr. Squire), praying together and laying requests at God's feet.  Or when I have occasion to rejoice at the news of another soul coming to know Christ as Savior.  Those are the times when I feel closest to God, when I most strongly feel the reality of His presence.  And there are plenty of such moments, bestowed by a generous God who knows every need and want.

Still, one day... I'd like to understand Communion -- as in, the kind we do in church.  I have a hunch that I'll be old and gray by that time (more gray than now, anyway...already have a colony of hairs growing near my prefrontal cortex).  But hopefully it won't take too long. 

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