Saturday, July 4, 2015

Learning to Walk Humbly - 26

A safe and good flight home for the Squires.  Since Junior didn't go to sleep until 11:30 last night, and we had to pull her up at 8, we were concerned that she would melt down on the plane. But she didn't:  after takeoff, I nursed her, she fell asleep, and she lay across our laps for an hour and 40 minutes...all the way until we were about to land. Amazing answer to prayer!

Good, quiet afternoon at home.  Mr. Squire's parents retrieved us from the airport and hung out as we unpacked and got groceries.  Then I made chicken pot pie for the first time since Junior was born.  

Mr. Squire and I went out for a walk with Junior at 7, and didn't return home til 9:30.  We had a good leisurely walk as we waited for the fireworks like everyone else on our riverfront.  We're usually very on-the-go about our walks because Mr. Squire doesn't like walking and I usually don't have a lot of time.  But we really took it easy today, and it was great.  Junior has been a lot more vocal during the last two days, so she blessed us with a bunch of "ehs" and "gahs" and the occasional sound that we swear could be interpreted as "hi."   :)  She also practiced blowing raspberries -- her new favorite thing.

I did the Jamie Bond routine with Junior a bunch of times today.  She grinned so much.  So did I.

She's starting to crawl-ish! Very fun to watch.

Came home and put Junior to bed, and then Mr. Squire and I had some good quiet time.  We need more of that, and we need discipline in meeting with God in His Word.  I'm thankful that we took a step in the right direction today.

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