Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Learning to Walk Humbly - July 22

Beautiful weather tonight. We took Junior out to the playground across the street and put her in a swing. She sported an immense grin of glee as she swung back and forth.  I remembered with great delight some of the tougher evenings when I trudged home from work late--with more work ahead--when I enviously passed parents playing with their kids outside.  "I'm working my way back to you, babe," was the refrain that always came to mind.  I vowed to get a job that would allow me to be one of those parents.  And these days I am...and I'm on my way.  Thank You, Lord, for the swift deliverance!

We puree veggies and freeze them into cubes, and sometimes we add avocado. I feed it to her as we eat dinner. She doesn't love it.  She takes it in her mouth, tastes it, and gives me a look that says, Mommy--this doesn't taste good. Why are you giving it to me?  But she doesn't cry or whine. She'll accept a few more bites (some days more than others), and then at some point, the gate closes -- she just doesn't open her mouth anymore.  I love it all.

Mommy in the middle!  At least a couple times a night, when I switch sides while nursing, Mommy is in the middle of the bed.  Sometimes it's Bathands in the middle! Other times it's Mommy in the middle! Never daddy.  Poor, poor daddy.  Gosh, I love our family.

Easy, good days at work.  Have a mandate, have things to do, am doing them, but... not stressed.  And somehow, knowing that I'm going to do what I'm doing next has empowered me to be smarter, bolder, more confident -- and better. It's like something woke up inside.

Getting more excited about Palmtreeville.  Still trying to negotiate lots of sadness over leaving beloved family and friends.  Seriously--it's like cutting off an arm. Or worse. But...I know it is right, and I am excited for a new chapter to begin.  Especially since I get to take my amazing family with me.

Got fingerprinted at the precinct today for the new job.  And all I could think was, "Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am! Here I am!" How Junior has changed me.

Delicious bacon avocado salad at night. Daddy made the bacon just right. It was delicious. It's the little things.

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