Sunday, July 5, 2015

Learning to Walk Humbly - 27

  • Last day of vacation with Mr. Squire and our dear ducky.  Today was restful, especially spiritually. We met with our new assistant pastor and his family and were encouraged to spend more time with God, getting to know Him better through His Word.  Little steps, but we picked up on reading the Bible to Batty again, and we each spent some good quiet time after she went to sleep.  I'm trying to read with a greater eye toward what the Bible says about who God is and what He has done--rather than what I'm supposed to do (because one would think that understanding more of who God is would influence what I do anyway).
  • Reminders in Joshua 1 that God keeps His promises, even if He does so over several generations.  He can deliver entire lands into the hands of His people.  We can be strong and courageous with the promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us.  He wants us to obey His commands.
  • Good chat with a sister at church today (Wendy).  She has always been encouraging and concerned for our family, and I appreciate her prayers, love, and perspective.
  • Junior is really starting to crawl (kind of).  She is also verbalizing a lot more now (I credit a week with our niece A for that).  And she spent a lot of time snuggling with and smiling at Mommy today.  What a treasure and a joy.  I love you, Junior!
  • Feeling spiritually recharged after vacation. Not really all that physically rested, but definitely emotionally and spiritually recharged.  Returning to work will be a bear tomorrow, but I am looking forward to resting in God for energy and strength for the day -- and enjoying His faithfulness in that.
  • Mint chocolate chip ice cream with leftover crushed oreos from the cheesecake I made at home.  Yum  :)

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